Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

St Peters, Bennington (Click to view in Google Maps) Bennington Methodist Church (Click to view in Google Maps)
St Mary the Virgin, Walkern (Click to view in Google Maps) United Reformed Church, Walkern (Click to view in Google Maps)

We warmly invite you to attend any of our services to worship with us. If you normally receive Communion in your own church, you are most welcome to receive Communion at St. Peter's and St. Mary the Virgin. If not, please come to the altar rail to receive a blessing.

There are gift-aid envelopes in every pew and by the door. If you are a taxpayer and wish to make a donation, please complete the envelope and put it in the collection during the service.

Large print service sheets and hymn books are available. Please ask as you enter the church.


Both St. Peter's and St. Mary's are fitted with a T-Loop sound system. If you use a hearing aid, switch it to the "T" setting.

If you would like to receive the weekly news letter by email, please email Heather at and she will add you to the circulation list. Alternatively you can download the notice sheet for either Benington or Walkern here.


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St. Peter's
St. Mary's